- Gupta, C., Choudhury, A., Chandrala, L. D., & Dixit, H. N. (2024). An experimental study of flow near an advancing contact line: a rigorous test of theoretical models. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 1000, A45. Link
- Gupta, C., Chandrala, L. D., & Dixit, H. N. (2024). An experimental investigation of flow fields near a liquid–liquid moving contact line. The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 1-11. Link
- Ghosh, S., Dutta, J., Garlapati, K. K., Parvin, M., Gupta, C., Dixit, H. N., & Martha, S. K. (2024). LiF/LixPOy/LixPOyFz-based artificial interface on graphitic cathode for improving the cycle life of dual ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources, 623, 235440. Link
- Gupta, C., Sangadi, A., Chandrala, L. D., & Dixit, H. N. (2022, December). A Study of Flow Patterns Near Moving Contact Lines Over Hydrophobic Surfaces. In Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (pp. 339-349). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore. Link
- Gupta, C., Chandrala, L., & Dixit, H. (2022). An experimental study of flow patterns near a moving contact line. Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 67. Link
- Choudhury, A., Gupta, C., & Dixit, H. N. (2019, November). Flow field near Contact Lines: Role of Inertia. In APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts (pp. M04-023). Link
- Gupta, C., Chandrala, L. D., & Dixit, H. N. (2024). An experimental study of flow near a moving contact line at high contact angles (Under submission, Phys. Rev. Fluid).
- Gunda P., Gupta, C., Chandrala, L. D., & Dixit, H. N., Badarinath K. (2024). Interaction of an air bubble with a cavitation bubble in a blind hole: Experiments and Simulations (Under Submission, J. Fluid Mech.)
- Gupta, C.*, Sangadi, A.*, Chandrala, L. D., & Dixit, H. N. Anomalous flow patterns near a moving contact line. (Under preparation, target journal: Nature Phys.).
- "Universality of slip flow near a moving contact line " (Under preparation, target journal: Phys. Rev. Lett.).
- Complex Fluids and Soft Matter Conference 2023 (CompFlu 2023) at IIT Madras on the topic "Determining the flow fields near a moving contact line: comparison between experiments and theory". (poster presentation)
- ME@75 Research Frontiers Conference 2022 at IISc on the topic "An Experimental study of flow patterns near a moving contact line". (presented a talk)
- Complex Fluids and Soft Matter Conference 2021 (CompFlu) at IIT Gandhinagar on the topic "Flow patterns in the vicinity of a moving contact line: an experimental study". (presented poster)
- Thermal Analysis and Engineering Systems 2018 (ICTASE) at HiCET, Coimbatore on topic "Effect of MHD on inertial focusing: A Numerical Study". (presented a talk)
Experience and Training:
- Participated in the NPTEL+ workshop “Dispersed Multiphase Flow Fundamentals” (Oct 2024).
- Attended “Nvidia NSM DLI 2024” workshop for High-Performance Computing (HPC) and deep learning (Sept 2024).
- Participated in summer course “Dynamics of Biological Systems” offered by ICTS (June 2024).
- Attended the NPTEL+ workshop “Optical Measurement Techniques in Fluid Mechanics” (Nov 2023).
- Teaching assistance for NPTEL course on Interfacial Fluid Mechanics conducted by IIT Madras (2023) and IIT Bombay (2022).
- Participated in Indian National Young Academy of Sciences (INYAS) Flagship Event for Post-PhD Opportunities 2022
- Industrial Training at Shree Grinding Unit Lakshar (Shree Cement Ltd.), Haridwar. (2013)